Friday, October 26, 2007

quiz- 9

Q.1.The person in the pic got into a controversy with a very famous firm for some reason. Name the person , the firm and the controversy.

Answer : The guy is “Mike Rowe” .He is a Canadian university student, notable for being the defendant in a lawsuit filed by Microsoft over the domain name "“ ( as it sounded similar to A settlement was agreed, with Rowe granting ownership of the domain in return for training and gifts from Microsoft.

Q.2.On all counts the vastly superior, Adlai Stevenson was widely expected to win the 1952 USA Presidential election hands down. However, based on a statistical analysis of pre-poll trends, only one source predicted (correctly, as it turned out later) that a huge surprise was on the cards and Dwight Eisenhower would win. Which was this source?

Answer: UNIVAC- the first commercially available computer in US

sorry guys , i repeated this question...:p

Q.3.Identify the man on the cover and tell why it is special ??

Answer: the guy is peter sellers ( pink panther). The speciality abt the pic is ..
he is the only male ever to appear on playboy cover page

Scores : ashish bhat-1
manas -1

happy quizzing :)


aditya M said...

perfect start dear grt qs jus promote it across a numer of groups
must say awesome questions

aditya modi
FMS Delhi

Invictus said...

Thanx :)