Saturday, October 13, 2007


Q.1. Connect the below 5 pics.

Answer: connect is Oliver stone

He made the following movies on the above charecters
The Doors (1991)
JFK (1991)
Nixon (1995)
Alexander (2004)
Born on the Fourth of July 1989 - on ron kovic (5th pic)

Q.2. On all counts the vastly superior, Adlai Stevenson was widely expected to win the 1952 USA Presidential election hands down. However, based on a statistical analysis of pre-poll trends, only one source predicted (correctly, as it turned out later) that a huge surprise was on the cards and Dwight Eisenhower would win. Which was this source?

Answer: UNIVAC- first commercial computer available in US

Q.3. Connect the below 4 pics.

Answer -connect is J. R. R. Tolkien

pic 1-The Eagle and Child pub in Oxford where the Inklings (the literary group in which tolkein was a member) met on Tuesday nights in 1939.

pic 2-Tolkien's monogram, and Tolkien Estate trademark.

pic 3-He worked for the Oxford English Dictionary

pic 4 -peter jackson -director of Lord of the rings trilogy

1 comment:

MURALI said...

that was gr8.keep addin