No. of singers and musical groups: 8
No. of US presidents: 5
No. of movies: 5
No. of authors: 4
No. of actresses: 4
No. of novels: 3
No. of actors: 3
No. of astronauts: 2
No. of boxers: 4
No. of baseball players: 3
No. of health and medicinal references: 6 and so on...
The list is not exhaustive
Answer:The lyrics of 'We didn't start the fire' by Billy Joel
Q.2. This is the main entrance in to what?? The lines at the gate means " Work will set you
Answer:The gate of auschwitz ( Nazi concentration camp)
Answer:Seven Samurai (directed by Akiro Kurosawa) was inspiration for sholay , bug's life and stephen king's ( pic 1) dark tower.
Manas- 1 ( 0.5 + 0.5 )