Saturday, March 29, 2008

Quiz -21

Q.1. Identify and put fundae .

Q.2.What incident is portrayed below. The incident and its aftermath are discussed in NCERT textbooks used and referenced widely throughout India.

Q.3. This work, an 1893 tempera, prompted its creator to write, “I painted the clouds like real blood. The colors are shrieking.” The figure in the foreground appears in the form of ectoplasm,with its arms bent upward and its head stripped bare of skin. Inspired by a hallucinatory experience suffered by the artist, identify the artist and the art work .

Q.4. Connect .

Q.5. On 6th July, 1535, a gentlemen condemned to die for high treason kissed his executioner on the cheek and joked with him that since his beard had done no wrong it did not deserve the axe. Laying his head on the block, he carefully made sure his beard would not be cut. Who went to his martyr's death so cheerfully?

Q.6.Below is the smart "Micro compact car“. It was designed primarily for urban use in European cities, where parking is scarce and fuel economy is of great importance .This was manufactured by which company in collaboration with Daimler AG ?

solve and submit the answer at before the 26th April 9 pm with the subject answers to quiz 21 - date with your name. Then again next and results will be uploaded.

Happy Quizzing :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

quiz - 20

Q.1.Identify the advertiser of this print ad. ( nice ad btw :P )

A. Mercedes S class ad

Q.2. easy one. Put fundae.

A. MGM lion roar recording

Q.3. Connect . ( recent)

A. sabeer bhatia ( nano city , arzoo, hotmail , tanya sharma )

Q.4. Another connect .( back to childhood :P)

A. london bridge is falling down

Q.5. Identify both . ( i love the stories :) )

A. alice and queen of hearts

Q.6. Identify .( the older version of something )

A. old spice

Results :

Indu -6
ronnie -5
suraj -2
sishir- 3
srihari -5
abhisek -4
raghunath -5
desktopdevil ( ??) -6
sarthak -6

Happy Quizzing [:)]